Monday, December 5, 2011

Super-Mini Writer's Workshop

The kids in the 8th grade ELA classroom I observe are working on a personal narrative project, which will later be published into a hardcover book. One student in the remedial class finished inputing his text really, really fast. My host teacher asked me to help him elaborate on his story.

I love this kind of thing, so I bounded over and knelt next to his computer. The first page related how his sports team had advanced to the next round of the tournament. I saw an opportunity here, and asked him how his team reacted with the news.

"I dunno."

"Were you guys excited? Were you nervous? Were you 'whatever'?"

"Yeah, 'whatever.'"

"For real?"

"Yeah. We weren't surprised."

"Okay. How could someone tell that you weren't surprised or that you were 'whatever'?"

"I dunno."

"If you were looking at someone who reacted to news like 'whatever' but you didn't hear them talk or didn't know what they were thinking, how could you tell?"


"Exactly. Type that."

Related: I had a blast today, and while I'm not as terrified as I used to be, just the thought of being alone frightens the hell out of me. Good thing that's normal.

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