Tuesday, November 22, 2011

UC Davis: The Not-Other-Side-of-the-Story

Only related because it took place at UC Davis. Consider this a "and things semi-related" post.

But y'all have heard of this, right?

So I've seen that a few dozen times now, and I still can't without flinching.

I watched a local FOX News channel (not THE Fox News channel, with Hannity and the others, but the 10 o'clock folks). They had a segment wherein a fellow decided he wanted to know both sides of the story. "Can you really know the whole story from a 15 second video segment?" he asked.

I just looked up the name and news station just to be sure. While I can't find video of the segment, I did find this:

Jim Crandell, Fox 40 News. Yep. The sports guy decided to do a political op-ed piece. Dude.

I was intrigued. I like knowing all sides. What did this guy know?

He said something like "Well, it's not like the police were responding to people just sitting on a bench! These were protestors who defied police orders to move. What were they supposed to do? Carrying them out would carry the risk of hurting them..."

--didja catch that last part? because he actually said that*. k---

"...and you can't tase them. So what were these officers supposed to do? Just walk away? Pepper spray was the least harmful option! If they simply walked away, what does that tell the protestors? That they can take this anywhere! They could decide to block I-80 and keep you from going to work and picking up your children! When the police tell you to do something, you do it."

Blah blah blah blah. STFU, Jim. A hundred times over, STFU.

Yo, Jim. These protestors fully expected to be arrested and not pepper sprayed at such a close distance. And what was this other side of the story you had the exclusive on, because I didn't catch it.

Also, keep watching the video.

The crowd actually makes the PD-bags walk away.

* I keep hearing about how pepper spray is a "food product" and "harmless." Yeah, not really.


  1. Since they walked away, that only further proves, in my opinion, that the pepper spray did NOTHING. It only caused unnecessary pain and suffering. But otherwise, it accomplished NOTHING.

  2. Not only that, but the use of such unprovocated force only works to motivate those who haven't yet occupied to occupy. They're making their "problem" worse.

  3. And by "they're" I mean those in authority against this movement.
