Tuesday, November 22, 2011

UC Davis: The Not-Other-Side-of-the-Story

Only related because it took place at UC Davis. Consider this a "and things semi-related" post.

But y'all have heard of this, right?

So I've seen that a few dozen times now, and I still can't without flinching.

I watched a local FOX News channel (not THE Fox News channel, with Hannity and the others, but the 10 o'clock folks). They had a segment wherein a fellow decided he wanted to know both sides of the story. "Can you really know the whole story from a 15 second video segment?" he asked.

I just looked up the name and news station just to be sure. While I can't find video of the segment, I did find this:

Jim Crandell, Fox 40 News. Yep. The sports guy decided to do a political op-ed piece. Dude.

I was intrigued. I like knowing all sides. What did this guy know?

He said something like "Well, it's not like the police were responding to people just sitting on a bench! These were protestors who defied police orders to move. What were they supposed to do? Carrying them out would carry the risk of hurting them..."

--didja catch that last part? because he actually said that*. k---

"...and you can't tase them. So what were these officers supposed to do? Just walk away? Pepper spray was the least harmful option! If they simply walked away, what does that tell the protestors? That they can take this anywhere! They could decide to block I-80 and keep you from going to work and picking up your children! When the police tell you to do something, you do it."

Blah blah blah blah. STFU, Jim. A hundred times over, STFU.

Yo, Jim. These protestors fully expected to be arrested and not pepper sprayed at such a close distance. And what was this other side of the story you had the exclusive on, because I didn't catch it.

Also, keep watching the video.

The crowd actually makes the PD-bags walk away.

* I keep hearing about how pepper spray is a "food product" and "harmless." Yeah, not really.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Dear Sub from Hell,

Dear Substitute Teacher from Hell,

I wouldn't be writing this if I hadn't heard you were the same way in every other class you've substituted for. I get it, it's not easy. It's effing difficult. When I walked in and two of the most well-behaved students in that class freaked out on me because "omg she's SO MEAN" I thought they were just being kids. Every sub sucks, right? I even tried to get the kids to, you know, listen. And they did listen to me...kinda. Soon I just gave up because you were mean. You know, while the kids could've been better, it's really hard to blame them after seeing how you've treated them.

So, a bit of advice:

Teaching 101:
Do not condescend to or be otherwise bitchy to the students.

Do not roll your eyes at them.

Do not send them out to the principal's office because they were making paper airplanes.

If you want respect, give respect.

Know the students. At least know if they are remedial or advanced. Hell, you know what? That doesn't matter. The clinical and wordy definitions from the text will go over most advanced 8th grade ELA students. They went over mine. Do not expect these kids to understand just because you read what is already in their books.

If a student who you've had particular issues with just up and walks out of class, you should probably call somebody. Especially if they don't return in the amount of time it takes to use the bathroom.

Don't ever say "Oh I'll just tell [your teacher] we went over it." Hi, I'm right here.

Don't take a kid's note away from her and refuse to give it back when she's crying because that's a letter her daddy wrote who she hasn't seen in a long time because he's in jail.

Be a little nicer to the observer. I mean geez, I was looking at their homework paper out of curiosity and you just took it away without so much as a "go to hell."

Also, 90 minutes of rote question and answer isn't the best way to keep the students interested and NOT naughtier than they already are.

Routinely ending ten minutes (if not more) before the end of class isn't the most awesome way to do things, just because you did everything the actual instructor put down in her notes. I hope you don't tell this teacher that she didn't give you enough to do like you have others, because omg.


When the super nice special ed. aide says you're a bitch, you must be a raving bitch.

Good LORD I hope to be better.

Monday, November 7, 2011


Made of the very best things:

Education and all its subsets.
(see also Politics and Religion and Bullshit and Inspiration.)

Follow me as I get my 30yo ass through school.